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Please accept this Windows tuning guide.

Preface to the Preface#

This article was written in August 2020, nearly three years ago. Some of the content is no longer relevant, and some ideas have become outdated. Please do not reference this article.


Last night, the spring water rose by the river, and the huge ships floated lightly.

On July 29, 2015, Microsoft officially released the most comprehensive operating system ever, Windows 10. However, comprehensiveness often leads to bloat, and the significance of this article lies in discarding all unnecessary services, optimizing the entire system without using any software, making the system feel lighter, and saving new computers! Rescue old computers that become slower the more they are used.

System Settings#

Disable WIN10 XBOX#

After the Win 10 update, the WIN10 XBOX feature was added, which is enabled by default, but most of us will not use it. After repeated testing...

Set Power Settings to High Performance#

Run Windows Powershell in administrator mode and enter the following code:

powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

And select the appropriate power plan.


Disable Unused Windows Services#

Windows Services refer to a type of computer program that runs in the background of the Windows NT operating system. Conceptually, it is similar to Unix daemon. Windows services must comply with the interface rules and protocols of the Service Control Manager (the component responsible for managing Windows services).

Windows services can be configured to run when the operating system starts and continue running in the background during Windows operation. Services can also be started manually or based on certain events. The Windows NT operating system contains numerous services that run in three types of user account environments: system, network service, and local service. These Windows components typically use the Windows Service Hosting Process. Because Windows services run in their own dedicated user accounts, they can remain active even when no user is logged in.

If a user system has too many automatically starting services, it may lead to excessive resource consumption in the system's background. Of course, we still need to set different startup types for different system service items, rather than uniformly setting them all to disabled.

Service NameDetailsRecommendation
Connected User Experiences and TelemetryFeedback user experience service, used to collect error information, consumes a lot of disk space, and is a major culprit for lag on many low-end computersDisable
Andrea ST Filters ServiceService included with sound card driversVaries by user
Base Filtering EngineBasic filtering engine, firewall programVaries by user
Bluetooth Handsfree ServiceBluetooth serviceDisable if no Bluetooth device
Desktop Window Manager Session ManagerThis service is required for desktop Aero effects and 3D effectsDisable
Diagnostics SeriesDiagnostic execution service for performing fault diagnosis support operations, similar to Connected User Experiences and Telemetry. (Detects and analyzes group policies, tracks Windows usability)Disable
Distributed Link Tracking ClientMonitors changes in NTFS file links between different computersSuggest disabling for non-local users
FaxSends and receives faxes using available fax resources on the computer or networkDisable
Function Discovery Provider HostAutomatically discovers network shared devicesSuggest disabling for non-local users
HomeGroup ListenerManages home groups to help families with multiple computers easily share music, documents, videos, and even printersDisable
HomeGroup ProviderPerforms network tasks related to the configuration and maintenance of home groupsDisable
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN .net Support ServiceManual
Offline FilesOffline caching file service
Print SpoolerLoads files into memory for later printingDisable if no printer installed
Problem ReportsProblem feedback serviceDisable
Program Compatibility Assistant ServiceProgram compatibility assistantDisable
Smart CardManages computer access to smart cardsDisable for users without installed UPS
SysMainPreviously known as SuperFetch, has some effect on mechanical hard drives, but little effect on SSDs, and often causes CPU usage to spike to 100%. If your hard drive is solely SSD and has ample physical memory, consider disabling it.Disabling will effectively reduce disk usage
Windows SearchWindows search service, used for quick file searches. However, this is a service that often "checks the water meter" in the system background, and many times the hard drive light stays on during standby due to it. Additionally, the "Activity History" in the new version of Win10 also relies on this service. If you have an SSD and are indifferent to "Activity History," consider disabling it, especially for low-end computers, as the performance improvement is very noticeable.Disable if you do not use the built-in search
Windows UpdateDisable if you do not need updates
Windows BackupProvides Windows backup and restore functionalityManual start

Disable Some Desktop Effects#

Disable Unnecessary Background Apps#


The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is a hardware timer used in personal computers. It was jointly developed by Intel and Microsoft and has been integrated into personal computer chipsets since around 2005.

Generally, if you have a good CPU, you can try disabling HPET, which may give you a 10-15 fps boost or eliminate stuttering/reduce stuttering. Even if the system is stable, adjusting HPET settings can provide a good improvement for any system. Changing HPET can also resolve issues like crashes when starting games.

Verify if HPET is Enabled#

Run CMD in administrator mode:

bcdedit /enum // Find the useplatformclock item; you should see useplatformclock as yes or no. If it is set to "NO," it means it is disabled in Windows; if it is "YES," it is enabled in Windows.


Here are the recommended configurations; finding the correct settings for your system can yield additional smoothness/frame rates or fix micro-stuttering/stuttering :)

  • HPET enabled in BIOS + HPET enabled in WINDOWS (recommended)
  • HPET disabled in BIOS + HPET disabled in WINDOWS (recommended)
  • HPET enabled in BIOS + HPET disabled in WINDOWS (not recommended, a bad thing)
  • HPET disabled in BIOS + HPET enabled in WINDOWS (not recommended, can cause software electromagnetic interference/timing issues)

Disable HPET#

Since every system is different, enabling or disabling it may bring benefits.

bcdedit /set useplatformclock No // or bcdedit /set useplatformclock false

bcdedit /set disabledynamictick Yes

If you cannot use the above commands to disable HPET, you can try:

bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock

And use bcdedit /enum to verify if it is enabled/disabled.

Enable HPET#

bcdedit /set useplatformclock true

Disable Unnecessary Startup Items#

Open Task Manager and turn off the visibly obvious startup items.


Disable Mouse Acceleration#


Network Optimization#

Start CMD in administrator mode and enter:

netsh int tcp set global dca=enabled //Direct Cache Access (DCA)

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal //Receive window auto-tuning level

netsh int tcp set supplemental template=internet congestionprovider=ctcp //Additional congestion control provider

netsh int tcp set global timestamps=enabled //RFC 1323 timestamps


Enable Windows 10 Hardware Accelerated GPU#

  • Open the registry
  • Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers
  • Find HwSchMode and change the default value from 1 to 2 (1 means hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling is off, 2 means it is on)
  • Restart the computer


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